GROWTH ECONOMIC GROWTH IN 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Asahan Regency

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Release Date : April 28, 2015
File Size : 0.24 MB


  • Economic Growth of Asahan 2013, measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) at 2000 Constant Prices, grew by 5.83 percent. The highest growth was achieved by the financial sector, leasing and business services of 10.25 percent. Followed by trade, hotel and restaurant sector at 7.67 percent; Electricity, gas and water sector by 7.64 percent; Services sector by 7.49 percent; Building sector by 7.45 percent; Mining and quarrying sector by 6.70 percent; Transport and communications sector by 6.23 percent; The manufacturing sector by 6.21 percent and the agricultural sector grew by 3.74 percent.
  • Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) on the basis of Current Price Asahan 2013 reached Rp. 17.52 trillion. While the amount of GDP at Constant 2000 2000 Year Prices reaches Rp. 6.34 trillion.
  • Against the Economic Growth of Asahan in 2013 of 5.83 percent, the agricultural sector contributed 1.99 percent; Manufacturing industry sector 1.89 percent; Trade, hotel and restaurant sector 0.97 percent; Services sector 0.34 percent, and the remainder by five other economic sectors.
  • Economic Structure Asahan 2013 is dominated by the agricultural sector by 36.18 percent; Manufacturing industry sector by 29.86 percent; Trade, hotel and restaurant sector by 16.16 percent.
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