2023 Sectoral Statistics Development Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Asahan Regency

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2023 Sectoral Statistics Development Evaluation Meeting

2023 Sectoral Statistics Development Evaluation Meeting

October 31, 2023 | Other Activities

Tuesday, October 31 2023, at the Asahan Regency BPS Office Meeting Hall, the 2023 Sectoral Statistics Development Evaluation Meeting took place. This meeting brought together the Asahan Regency BPS with Diskominfo, Bappeda, and several OPDs in Asahan Regency which were targeted for metadata, with the number of meeting participants as many as 20 people. The OPD present was 1 representative from the OPD: Health Office, Population and Civil Registration Department, Environment Service, Library Service, Dispora, Agriculture Service, Food Security Service, and Education Service. The purpose of this meeting is to refresh the understanding of data guardians (Diskominfo and Bappeda) and data producers (OPD) regarding the concept and process of one data, primarily re-emphasizing the process from the beginning of sectoral statistical activities in OPD - the publication of statistical recommendations - the obtaining of sectoral statistical activity metadata implemented - until the publication of the results of sectoral statistical activities that have been standardized nationally. It is hoped that through this activity, next year more OPDs will report their sectoral statistical activities and submit requests for statistical recommendations.

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