Evaluation Meeting for Field Officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census in Asahan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Asahan Regency

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Evaluation Meeting for Field Officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census in Asahan Regency

Evaluation Meeting for Field Officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census in Asahan Regency

July 25, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS Asahan Regency conducts the activities of the 2023 Agricultural Census Census Field Officer at the Space Hotel Ballroom on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. This activity was attended by all ASN BPS in Asahan Regency and all agricultural census officers 2023 Asahan Regency which was still on the month The field officer who took part in this activity consisted of 327 field chopping, 60 field supervisors, and 6 Taskforce. The series of events in this activity included opening by the Head of BPS in Asahan Regency, Rika Ventina, then the presentation of evaluation material from the field of field organizations, field management, editing coding, and processing, then in the entertainment event such as Story Telling from field officers, quizzes, music, and This activity lasted all day from 08.00 to 17.00 WIB. Through this evaluation meeting, the field officer is expected to be able to maximize the post-field activity time for 15 days according to the field of field officers, to re-examine and repair documents and tagging the results of the agricultural census field enumeration 2023.

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