Agricultural Census Field Officer Training 2023 Asahan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Asahan Regency

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Agricultural Census Field Officer Training 2023 Asahan

Agricultural Census Field Officer Training 2023 Asahan

May 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

Starting from Monday, 22 May to 30 May 2023, BPS Asahan Regency conducted the 2023 Asahan Agricultural Census Field Officer Training activities at 3 TCs (Training Centers), namely the Antariksa Hotel, Nusa Indah Hotel, and Marina Hotel, which are located in Kisaran. A total of 503 field officers from BPS Asahan employees as many as 10 people and 493 people recruited from the community attended training for 3 days in each batch. The training was carried out in 21 training classes with 7 classes per wave, and there were 12 instructors who were BPS Asahan employees and had been trained beforehand and declared fit to become instructors. It is hoped that adequate officer training will produce field officers who are able to understand the ST2023 field data collection concept, so that in the end quality agricultural data can be obtained.

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